Bouquet of Roses - green tea

  • Bouquet of Roses - green tea

Bouquet of Roses - green tea


Calming and floral this green tea is full of antioxidants and fabulous floral notes. Which will last longer - a bouquet of roses, or a bag of this tea in your stash? Enjoy either cold steeped or in a delicate cup of steaming water. 

Ingredients: green tea, currants, orange, cinnamon, sweet blackberry leaf, raspberry pieces cornflowers, rose petals, cherries

This tea is a part of our Breakfast in Bed collection in celebration of Valentine’s Day and is only available for a limited time.

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  • Description

Calming and floral this green tea is full of antioxidants and fabulous floral notes. Which will last longer - a bouquet of roses, or a bag of this tea in your stash? Enjoy either cold steeped or in a delicate cup of steaming water. 

Ingredients: green tea, currants, orange, cinnamon, sweet blackberry leaf, raspberry pieces cornflowers, rose petals, cherries

This tea is a part of our Breakfast in Bed collection in celebration of Valentine’s Day and is only available for a limited time.